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Taj Mahal India (2)

Taj Mahal India
The Taj Mahal is a tomb situated in Agra, India. The Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan in the memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is one of The Seven Wonders of the World and is said to be one of the finest art of the Mughal architecture. The architecture has a mixture of Persian, Ottoman, India and Islamic art. During the year 1983, the Taj became a part of the UNESCO, World heritage Site.
Some of the legendary stories say that after the Taj was built, the Mughal Emperor cut off the hands of all the men who built the Taj so that the same masterpiece could not be made again. The Taj Mahal is located on the banks of the river Yamuna in Agra. It was built in the year 1631 and got completed in the year 1653 spreading over 32 acres of land.

The Taj Mahal is also called the Taj and is a symbol of love and is known for its monumental beauty. Taj is one of the main tourist’s hotspot in India and anyone who comes to visit India definitely takes a tour of the Taj. The beauty of the Taj goes beyond words and it is said that the place looks magnificent during the full moon night. It is a true dedication to love and romance. The word Taj Mahal means Crown Palace in English and it is made up off mainly white marbles and some colorful gemstones.

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Kosa Kata Bahasa Arab (2)

Mufrodat Pakaian dan Perlengkapan (اللباس و الألات الزينية ) معانى مفردات Pakaian لِبَاس  / ثَوْب Setelan مِسْدَرَة Gamis/Kemeja قَمِيْص Baju Dalam شِعَار Jas مِعْطَف Jubah جُبَّة Mantel عَبَاءَة Jas Hujan مِمْطَرَة Kaos Dalam عَرَقِيَّة / فَانِلَّة Sarung إِزَار Kain Panjang فُوْطَة Celana سِرْوَال Celana Dalam سِرْوَال دَاخِلِيّ Celana Panjang بَنْطَالُوْن Celana Cawat تُبَّان Blus بِلُوْزَة Rok Dalam تَنُّوْرَة B.H / Mini Set صُدْرِيَّة Baju Kurung جِلْبَان Saku جَيْب Kancing زِرّ Lobang Kancing عُرْوَة Lengan Baju كُمُّ Kerah Baju تَلْبِيْب Baju Atasan فَوْقَانِيَة Pakaian Biasa لِبَاس عَادِيّ Pakaian Tidur لِبَاس نَوْمِيّ Pakaian Sekolah لِبَاس مَدْرِسِيّ Pakaian O

المرأة فى الاحاديث الضعيفة

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Mata Kuliah              : Kode                           : Dosen Pengampu      :   Jurusan                     : Program Studi           : Bobot                          : HADIS H. Mohd Iqbal A Muin, LC, MA MD/A-B dan PMI-B S-1 DAKWAH 2 SKS   I.       Kompetensi Dasar Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman dan penghayatan yang kokoh dan mendalam tentang berbagai kesalehan sosial yang bersumber dari nash (Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadits). II. Parameter Indikator Kompetensi Hasil Belajar 1.       Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang utuh terhadap konsep-konsep dasar Al-Qura’an dan Al-Hadits tentang berbagai kesalehan sosial. 2.       Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang utuh terhadap konsep-konsep dasar Al-Qura’an dan Al-Hadits tentang amar ma’ruf nahi munkar . 3.       Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang utuh terhadap konsep-konsep dasar